Network Pharmacology Analysis and Molecular Docking Validation of Panax Ginseng's Molecular Mechanisms in the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

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Bhuneshwari Dewangan, Vijay Kumar Jaiswal


Ovarian cancer is tenacious and formidable, resulting in significant historical implications for women's health. Pursuing efficacious therapies has become more imperative due to its status as a prominent contributor to global mortality in gynecologic cancer cases. To investigate this, the study utilizes advanced methodologies such as Network Pharmacology Analysis and Molecular Docking to examine the therapeutic efficacy of Panax ginseng's molecular processes in the context of ovarian cancer therapy. Network Pharmacology Analysis enables an in-depth exploration of the complex interplay between the chemicals found in P. ginseng and the genes linked with ovarian cancer. The present study thoroughly investigated enhanced Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways and disorders in the Therapeutic Target Database (TTD). The study revealed that Fumarine and Inermin are crucial chemicals influencing several genes and pathways. Molecular docking verifies the binding affinity of these compounds to particular proteins, reinforcing their potential as efficacious therapeutic interventions. This study provides a Molecular Analysis Framework in the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer (MAF-TOC) as a proposed approach. The research aims to enhance the comprehension of P. ginseng's therapeutic potential in ovarian cancer by integrating various data sources. The MAF-TOC platform highlights the importance of personalized medicine by enabling customized therapies that consider an individual's genetic profile and reactions to certain compounds. The experimental findings provide evidence of the intriguing interactions between Fumarine and Inermin compounds with the CDKL3 protein, suggesting their potential as anticancer agents.

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How to Cite
Vijay Kumar Jaiswal, B. D. (2023). Network Pharmacology Analysis and Molecular Docking Validation of Panax Ginseng’s Molecular Mechanisms in the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum, 33(03), 11–16. Retrieved from